Bible group

Today I joined bible group of church nearby for the first time. Wow it was first time for me to join but I was so comfortable that I commented even twice my thought.  I think I'm trying to overcome shyness. It's easy to go and seems nice community. There was also woman who can speak good Japanese. Next week will be potluck, so I will make sushi for them.

Discussion was based on the book

It was interesting that the book mentioned that closeness and distance are both important for relationship with God, and friendship based on emotion is shallow. Well, most of my friendship seem to be based on emotion, we go clubb and dance and just enjoy the moment. But then, it wasn't friendship... ok i understand. I thought emotion is somewhat important, coz I believe this is what makes life, doesn't it? I still not sure which is true.

Book memo CH.1
Life with God in the center
Self sacrifice
Life is less busy if you care only what matters most

Thanks note for today
  1. I found a nice CG group which is very near and also international and welcoming
  2. I have a lot of time to relax, read, watch movies and join meeting groups
  3. kind of feel excited that my future is unknown and I might be totally somewhere else 
  4. free gym, coffee, and I can enjoy a whole house by myself during the daytime
I wanna pursue job that I can do at home for future. Finally, my bf will come to visit in August. It's gonna be awesome going around.


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