Sell "Japan"

Korean makers send prospective employees to overseas and let them localized and sell their products well.
The era that japanese products could sold just with japanese brand has ended. Now pepople have to market and sell it. 
case study
  1. present single item in a large amount at one place
  2. plenty of colour variation
  3. shop in great order
during the training time, all-participants-concept is hammered into trainee's head
present purchased product to customer with both hands
provide tranceiver to employees so that they can ask inventory to staff in other section when asked by customers
In india, pepole do not use rice cooker beacuse they use pressured cooker where they also cook curry and vegitables. but still they don't buy....
Lu Ming Garden
In China, aparments are sold "skelton", meaninig concrete wall with no furniture.
Mr. Kokunaga from Marubeni company launched estate business in Shenghai where he selles fully furnished apartment like in Japan.
好世鹿鸣苑(LuMing Garden) 
a zipper maker in Milano whose zippers are used widely in luxury brand products
luxury brands are enjoying sale increase because of rising wealthy chinese people
Mr. Miyata, president of YKK Milano
On the fathe's day in UK,  Yamazaki12 were sold in the whisky shop in London with Furoshiki, japanese traditional cloth wrapper.
 Economy Pants from MamyPoko?!
In Malaysia, Unicharm was strugging to increase sale among Malays despite favorable results among Malaysian of Chinese decent. They found out from home visits that many Malay mothers lay child when they change diper. Unicharm decided to inform their product benefit more clearly and changed the product name as Momy poco easy fit pants with illustrative picture on the package. The sale incresased by triple from 2009 to 2011.
female managers at oversea department have shortage.


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