Today I went to supermarket again. I was a bit depressed in the morning coz I felt alone at home. I wish school starts soon. But I think this is also good way to look outside for friends.

Around noon I got myself outside, seeing host father brought a guest for lunch. While walking, I began to feel ok. I went to Vons, Kohl's and tried a pair of jeans for kids!!! I think adult woman size is too big for me especially around hip. But I just found out that the one I really like was running out of stock.

Then, I went to Five Guys. I like that restaurant! I can have free toppings as I wish and the guy there was also kind to recommend me the nice combination with BBQ sauce. But what's more, I liked the way people in the kitchen shouting like Hell's Kitchen. So passionate!
Then my host father picked me up to bring me to the university. Actually, he called me when I finished placing an order so I made him waiting, but I was able to try using mobile!
He was so kind to show me the way to UCSD. I think tomorrow I try to go by myself by bus.
今日はFIVE GUYSというお店に行きました。本当はバーガーみたいなジャンクフードは太るからさけなきゃって思っていたんだけどせっかくだから入ってみたらホストファザーが勧めるだけあって気に入りました。なんせトッピングが自由に選べてフリー、レジの人もBBQソースのお勧めのトッピングを教えてくれたし、なんといってもキッチンの人たちが叫けびながら協力して仕事を進めようとしているところがいい感じ。けっこう音楽も音がでかくて賑やかなお店です。お店の人とかいつもHow are you?で始めてくれるからすごくいい感じ。How are you?って友達を作るにはもってこいの表現だよね。早く学校で新しい友達を作りたいわ。けっこうアジア系もメキシカンも多いからあまり偏見の目で見られたりしなくていい感じ。


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