
I think A is the most ~ for some reasons. First~. Second ~. In addition to these reasons, ~.
For these reasons, ~.

The lecture explained why ~. There are the following three reasons. First of all, ~. ...
This directly refutes the reading passage which states that ~.
Secondly, ~.
Again, this contradicts what is stated in the readin which stated that ~.
Thirdly ~
All in al, ~ are the main reasons why ~

1st paragraph : Introduction
I strongly agree with ~

2nd paragraph : Body 1st reason
The major reason for my belief is that ~
To make it clear, I would like to cite an experience that ~

Of course, ~ has an advantage in that it allows ~. However, I would not have been able to ~ if I had not ~.

~, as the above example illustates,
is clearly ~ than ~

3rd paragrapgh:Body 2nd reason
Additionaly, ~
To take an example, I recall ~ing
Of course, ~ has the advantage in that it allows~. Nevertheless, I would not have been able to ~

, as the above example demonstrates, ~ than ~.

4th paragrapgh:conclusion
In conculusion, I definietly agree with the idea that ~ is better than ~.


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