Already my birth day..... so fast もう誕生日。。。!

Yesterday I went to see the house with Italian ceff. The room looked a bit dark but it's got great wooden desk to study. Most of all, it is friend's friend, so good relationship can be expected and flexible. But I still want to stay near university and want to have nice roommate. Let's search more!
Then I went to trial lesson of Hot Yoga with my friend. It was nice but it was quite high level class. I've got 10 days lesson but I'm a bit busy to see all those room options, so I may not be able to go there so often within this 10 days. shame.
Then, I had dinner with my friend and went to club.
昨日はアメリカ人の知り合いカロリンにイタリア人シェフが住んでいる家の部屋を見せてもらいました。一人部屋で650は本当安いですがちょっと部屋が暗く、家がタバコくさかったです。娘さんが他の部屋に住んでいるとのことで彼女と仲良くなれるととってもいいのですがバーガーショップでアルバイトしているとのことで会うことはできませんでした。 そのかわり彼氏さんがいました。シェフの職業柄いろいろ食べさせてくれるし車も整備できるとのことでかなりいいところですが、やはり大学近くのルームシェアももう少し見に行きます。その後カロリンとパートナーのジェフと寿司を食べに行きました。

Thanks notes...

  1. I was able to see the room thanks to very kind American woman and I had sushi with them.
  2. I was able to take free yoga lesson with my friend and she even offer dinner together at her place.
  3. I went to club and made friends with several people.
  4. My friend suggested to live near university with roommate to meet friends from university easily and have more convenience. I think it is true so I will further search rooms.


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