
Showing posts from June, 2014

Taco Tuesday

Yesterday was busy again.  I had sewing class, part-time, Zumba, dinner pasta with Caro and taco Tuesday.  It was fun. At sewing class,  I made a pillow case which is to be sent to hospital for cancer patients.  conkerrcancer   The fabrics were good, so it looked really nice.  It's fun to make something with my own hands. I feel so concentrated while making. I finally completed a gift bag.  It's really rough finish, but I feel so proud of making it by myself. At work, I contacted Japanese customers by sending thank-you email for their order, using Amazon seller central system.  It's worth learning. Thanks note for today I enjoyed taco Tuesday yesterday with friends I began to enjoy sewing lessons part-time is great! I'm using my free time well My bf is coming soon and gonna stay for 3 weeks with me 

My first day of work

Today was busy.  I went sewing class and then soon after went first day of my part time.  It was fun to translate. The office is comfortable enough and have people around.  One concern was that I use Japanese too much. I should focus on English conversation more. Then I went UPS to return text book and then shopped several clothes for office.   Then Caro called me for dinner, so I had Italian pasta with them. Recently I'm dictating songs. I have so many things I want to do now. I'm quite busy and good.    I also need to preview textbooks for next quarter,  coz I won't have enough time in the middle with the visit of my bf. Overcast stich at sewing class

Job interview

Yesterday I went to a job interview. The place was far away and in an unfamiliar industrial area. But it was awesome coz it seemed that I have all of the qualities that they were looking for. I emphasized my experiences, and I'm gonna start next Monday afternoon! It's gonna be only in the afternoon coz I have sewing class in the morning. I may be able to do OPT there! Later, I went to sewing class to catch up with lesson I missed. Then I went to see Caro. We went running along pacific beach at sunset. It was so nice. Kanye West - Bound 2 (Explicit) Accidentally, with the introduction of church member, I started sewing class. It's fun and free. It's useful skill for life.

Weekend at sea

My Italian friends are leaving San Diego soon. Friday night, she was tired so we just watched movie on Youtube. I don't know why but it was quite late already. On Saturday, I went surfing and I got my feet hit by surfboat. That was painful. Then, I cooked organic salmon at home. I was inspired by Caro's comment that she can't believe people who buy non-organic food just because it's cheaper. Then, I went sailing party Caro. It started from downtown harbor. There were 2 other couples, they were nice. The girl from New Zealand travels a lot. She was funny, nice and intelligent. At Point Loma, we anchored. One guy was surfing quite long that it was getting cold. Sunset with music with downtown background was so nice. Then, we went C Level restaurant by sailing. It had amazing view. It was already 12am that we were back home. We choose foto to post in facebook and I went home. On Sunday, I woke up early again to go church. My feet was hurting

2Q finished

Finally 2nd quarter finished. It remains only one more quarter. It's quite soon.   Next quarter,  I wanna focus on study more.    It was surprising that Canadian classmate praised our work.  Thanks to the help of my bf, my presentation is getting better! I began couchsurfing seriously. I think I found a person in Portland.  It's gonna be exciting.   Actually OPT is very near and I might be out of San Diego soon.  Well not so soon. Thanks notes for today 1. 2Q finished well  2. My presentation got favorable comments  3. My bf helped me all the presentation for me in the middle of night for him.  4. One person accepted my couchsurfing request

Receipe I want to try

Plank-Grilled Sweet Soy Salmon INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce 1/4 cup sake, or dry white wine (see Note) 1/4 cup mirin, (see Note) 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped scallions 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh ginger 4 5-ounce wild salmon fillets, or steaks, 3/4-1 inch thick, skin on 1 small lemon, thinly sliced PREPARATION Soak a grilling plank in water for 2 to 4 hours. Meanwhile, combine soy sauce, sake (or white wine), mirin, sugar, scallions and ginger in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and let cool to room temperature. Place salmon in a shallow dish and pour the marinade over it. Place lemon slices on top. Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes but no more than 2 hours, turning the fish once or twice. Preheat grill to medium-high. Place the soaked plank over direct heat on the grill and heat for 2 minutes. Move the plank so it’s over indirect heat (see Kitchen Tip,

Bible group

Today I joined bible group of church nearby for the first time. Wow it was first time for me to join but I was so comfortable that I commented even twice my thought.  I think I'm trying to overcome shyness. It's easy to go and seems nice community. There was also woman who can speak good Japanese. Next week will be potluck, so I will make sushi for them. Discussion was based on the book It was interesting that the book mentioned that closeness and distance are both important for relationship with God, and friendship based on emotion is shallow. Well, most of my friendship seem to be based on emotion, we go clubb and dance and just enjoy the moment. But then, it wasn't friendship... ok i understand. I thought emotion is somewhat important, coz I believe this is what makes life, doesn't it? I still not sure which is true. Book memo CH.1 Life with God in the center Self sacrifice Life is less busy if you care only what matters most Thanks note for today I fo

Melbourne, next city to move

My friend got a message in Fortune cookie that he will travel to exotic countries, and with his sister couple moving to Australia, he is seriously planning to move to Australia where multiculturalism exists. I began to think... maybe it is easier to find a job for foreigners and maybe me and my bf should give it consideration. I know some Thai friend living there and must be nice place Melbourne 歴史的な建物や文化が残り、のんびりして住みやすいという印象を持たれており、エコノミスト誌の「世界で最も暮らしやすい都市」で一位 ロンドン、ニューヨーク、パリに次ぐ多さで世界の学生が学ぶ。 世界でもっとも多くのギリシャ人が居住しており、ギリシャ系のお祭りも多く行われている

Joaquín Sorolla and empty fortune cookie

Today it was such a wonderful day. In the morning, I just went to friend's house to borrow his surfboard and did some grocery shopping nearby, and then had branch and watched one piece. Yes, I should watch this. Every time foreigner tells me about this manga, I really don't have anything to say without watching it. Oh I love Nutella that I put it on banana and it was amazing!!! Then I went Balboa park to see paintings of Joaquín Sorolla. It was amazing. I liked pictures at beach most. capture of moment, spots of receiving light, impression, contrast of detail and rough, sometimes faces really vague, rough touch, make sense in distance, contrast of dark and light that makes like 3D effect. very quick drawing because the light and ocean change quickly Sketches found in America but the painting was in Spain. A work influenced by ancient Greek statue. standing posture with transparent clothes. Then, we had a great dinner at noodle place. wow it was