resume of journal

I realized that i didn't keep journal a while (well I've keeping journal everywhere) but I wanna keep it here at least sometime to later remember my days.

I am going to finish my internship and now it's time to find OPT. Yesterday I joined career consultant session and it was very informative. I should forget about pharmaceutical and environment industry and focus on auto industry and admin jobs.

2 days ago on May 15th, I joined Full moon party. I was expecting to see very strange stuff but not that unusual stuff going on.

I enjoyed conversation with new friend from Spain about history, art, literature, determination, dream, different cultures.

I realized how much slacker I was and before how much I was industrious....
Without being felt secure, I can go so wrong. Well, it's not too late. Let's say I fumbled around a third of my stay here.

The goal: overcome shyness, find a way not to go back Japan, speak English and Italian fluently, get job in USA


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