Found a used car to buy

Today I had another lesson and also checked several cars.
I finally found a nice car around my budget.
The American guy I asked help was strange.
He insisted some car I was not really interested and the way he tried to convince me was childish.
He also tried to take the job of introducing car in place of car dealer and it was obvious for commission.  
He was also desperate to recommend the cars on his list to get commission.  I understand that he's got no decent job, but I don't wanna hang out anymore. 
Also he said like it's fine it's fine but most of the cases it was not ok. It's kind of guy I'll never ever trust. 
Even if it wad me who found that car on claiglist, I gave him commission of 300 plus driving lesson of 20. It's ok coz without him,  I wouldn't be able to find a rental car and wouldn't be able to drive in California.
Also I had to wait until the end of weekends.
Anyway, thanks notes for today are
1. I'm grateful that now I feel like I can drive.
2. I got rental car with help of acquittance.
3. I found a nice car around my budget.


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