completion of 4-weeks program



Finally, 4 week program ended. Actually, a month passed so quickly that I can't remember each day well. But many things happened for sure.

I really feel lonely that now i got 10 days off in this holiday season, but somehow im ok now coz I decided to buy a car finally. Even if it may cost a lot, I really need it. I realized that I don't have many friends.  And now it's time to initiate and proactively find friends. Sometimes clubbing is not so productive to find real friends.

The other day, we leaned that to be happy, we should be grateful and it is good idea to write journal about good things happened.
So now I gonna write.
  1. I was able to spend weekends with friends and had some different experience and I was able to sleep at my friends place so that i don't need to go home in a cold and dark night and my friend drove me home (although I paid some for gas)
  2. I was invited by kind host father of previous classmate for dinner and enjoyed time there. I was also able to complain a bit about my host house.
  3. I also met kind sister of host father and she said she can hang out with me.
  4. When i asked some help along with purchase of a used car, one of my American friend said ok, so he can watch over my driving to home. and After purchase of car, it would be hell a lot easier to go around anywhere.
  5. Also, one of my American friends responded quickly for my asking of favor, although he'll be out of time and can't help, he said he'd be happy to help me when he is back!


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