Euro Disney case study

New semester has started! It's gonna be very busy day with sewing class, part-time and evening class but I wanna focus on study more this semester!

I've got a new case study about Euro Disney for Global Marketing class.

  1. What factors contributed to EuroDisney’s poor performance during its first year of operation? What factors contributed to Hong Kong Disney’s poor performance during its first year?

    the approaching European recession at the end of the 1980s
    World’s Fair in Seville and the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona
    local theme park nearby (Astérix)
    weather (cold, rain)
    hostility among local french against american icon  (imperialism)
    Gulf War in 1991 which curbed vacation travel
    high interest rates and the devaluation of several currencies against the franc.
    transatlantic airfare competition made it cheaper to go Disney in Orlando than Paris
    currency movement affected negatively
    hostility against american imperialism
    9/11 slump in truism
    strikes in France
    pan-European approach
    ignorance of European way
    open-air restaurant without rain protection
    only French sausage

    Hong Kong Disney
    too small
    not different
    unfamiliarity of Disney characters
    2-kids Ad
  2. To what degree do you consider that these factors were (a) foreseeable and (b) controllable by EuroDisney, Hong Kong Disney, or the parent company, Disney?

    (a) foreseeable
    the approaching European recession at the end of the 1980s
    World’s Fair in Seville and the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona
    weather (cold, rain)
    hostility among local french against american icon  (imperialism)
    strikes in France
    Gulf War in 1991 which curbed vacation travel
    high interest rates and the devaluation of several currencies against the franc.
    transatlantic airfare competition made it cheaper to go Disney in Orlando than Paris
    currency movement affected negatively

    Hong Kong Disney
    unfamiliarity of Disney characters

    (b) controllable
    EuroDisneylocal theme park nearby (Astérix)

    Hong Kong Disney
    too small
    not different
  3. What role does ethnocentrism play in the story of EuroDisney’s launch?

    ad  emphasizing glitz & size <---> pessimistic french  sentiment
    ban on alcohol in the park
    employee training (men's shaving)
    pet (vacation together)
    unnecessary constructions to maintain reputation (people rather wanted to walk)
    Vacation customs of Europeans not considered (no breakfast)
    ignorance of European way
  4. How do you assess the cross-cultural marketing skills of Disney?

    very low, no local market research, too much confidence that Disney will be also successful in Paris
  5. Why did success in Tokyo predispose Disney management to be too optimistic in their expectations of success in France? In China? Discuss.

    every country has different culture and background. french are more against american imperialism
  6. Why do you think the experience in France didn’t help Disney avoid some of the problems in Hong Kong?

    They did not consider from local perspective.
  7. Now that Hong Kong Disney is up and running, will the Shanghai development benefit from the Hong Kong experience?

    Yes, all the mistakes will be taken into considerations.
  8. Now that Disney has opened Hong Kong Disney and begun work on the Shanghai location, where and when should it go next? Assume you are a consultant hired to give Disney advice on the issue of where and when to go next. Pick three locations and select the one you think will be the best new location for “Disneyland X.” Discuss.

    1. Brazil
    2. Duai
    3. Thailand

    Brazil because it is the most developing country in South America and the economy is rapidly developing with World Cup effect and more people with higher education

  9. Given your choice of locale X for the newest Disneyland, what are the operational implications of the history of EuroDisney and Disney Hong Kong for the new park?

    it is important to consider local custom and cannot employ the strategy which was succesful in other country as it is


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