
Showing posts from December, 2013


日本の友達から翻訳のアルバイト紹介されました。 とても忙しいです^^今晩ラスベガスにバスで行きます。

Best lobster ever!

Yesterday was really good relaxing day.   I went to see my friend and we studied at her place. Then we had nice lunch, I got risotto she made previous day. Then, we went to the beach to take a walk and rest on the beach.   I was a little bit nervous because I was not sure if I locked my car!! I asked her if we can go back home so that she can pick up something she needs and I can check my car. Oh, thanks God, I found my car locked.   Later we went to Starbucks to study, but there was a strange homeless-look guy talking to us, and told us that he is the inventor of the Internet! At this point, I totally doubt about it. We tried to search his name online but no such information as inventor!!! Of course! Also he had a strange tool called vapour and I suspected that he was kind of drug addicted, at least tobacco addicted. He used my computer with his dirty hand and I was like OMG. He even didn't know where is space key and how to click. I said "Well we should study no

bought a car!!

Yesterday, I watched movie called The Wolf of Wall Street. That was strange. Too much drug, sex, illegal way to earn money, and agressiveness, but intersting. It's been long time that I didnt go to theater and first time in 10 years in the US. I tried to understand English, but it was hard. Many times I didn't understand why people were laughing. Today on 26th Dec, I arranged mechanic service for pre-purchase inspection. Before I went to bank to check error of wire transfer but they didn't have any record. I feel desparate without money in my account. Then I went to the car dealer and let my mechanic inspect. The problems he found was timing belts, oil change, and A/C gas. I paied 120 but saved 20 for oil and 80 for A/C gas. Timing belts will be fixed by the dealer at 250. I purchased minimum car insurance and paied 2000 to get the car. I returned the rental car and drove home. Driving condition is so so, but should be ok for 2 years. I went to citibank ATM but the

Found a used car to buy

Today I had another lesson and also checked several cars.   I finally found a nice car around my budget.   The American guy I asked help was strange.   He insisted some car I was not really interested and the way he tried to convince me was childish.   He also tried to take the job of introducing car in place of car dealer and it was obvious for commission.     He was also desperate to recommend the cars on his list to get commission.  I understand that he's got no decent job, but I don't wanna hang out anymore.    Also he said like it's fine it's fine but most of the cases it was not ok. It's kind of guy I'll never ever trust.    Even if it wad me who found that car on claiglist, I gave him commission of 300 plus driving lesson of 20. It's ok coz without him,  I wouldn't be able to find a rental car and wouldn't be able to drive in California.   Also I had to wait until the end of weekends.   Anyway, thanks notes

California Permit

Today I got a California Permit! It took me 3 hours, but I was able to study during that time. Then, I went to a car dealer to buy a used car with one of my American friends. But the car for $4000 was too old, 1995. So I decided to just rent a car for a week till I could get a better car to buy. I called many car rental shops but they didn't have the car I wanted. Finally I found a car rental shop and the price was good at $199 per week. They came to pick us up. We arrived at the car rental shop at around 5:30, got a Mazda and I drove for the first time in the USA. It was not so bad, but there were so many car lanes that I was nervous a little bit because I had to stay in the right lane to make a turn when necessary. Today's lesson route  From Express car rental on 2595 Kettner Blvd. to  Hoton Plaza on 324 Horton Plaza, shopping at Forever 21. Then went to Target on 5680 Balboa Ave and went Shell gas station Five Guys to treat hambergur to my friend. my hom

completion of 4-weeks program

ついに4週間の英語コースが終了しました。なんだかあっという間。 でもしっくりきません。ホームステイ先は居心地悪い。大学の近くに住めばいろんな友達ができただろうに閑静な住宅街にポツンだから本当に孤独。でもこれから車をゲットして行動範囲を広げるつもりです。 今日はクラスメイトのホストファミリーに夕飯をご一緒させてもらいました。たくさんの人が集まっていて楽しい家庭です。スナックもドリンクも飲み放題で私のホストファミリーとは大違い! 家だと夕飯を私の分だけ用意して一人で食べさせられるから家にいたくありません。 Finally, 4 week program ended. Actually, a month passed so quickly that I can't remember each day well. But many things happened for sure. I really feel lonely that now i got 10 days off in this holiday season, but somehow im ok now coz I decided to buy a car finally. Even if it may cost a lot, I really need it. I realized that I don't have many friends.  And now it's time to initiate and proactively find friends. Sometimes clubbing is not so productive to find real friends. The other day, we leaned that to be happy, we should be grateful and it is good idea to write journal about good things happened. So now I gonna write. I was able to spend weekends with friends and had some different experience and I was

petco park


Maritime Museum
