
Showing posts from November, 2013
Today I bought a samsung galaxy 4S!! I had to pay 318, and from now on 60 each month. I can use Internet and it's so great gadget!!! I love it. Maybe it's better than iPhone! Later I met Swiss guy and Korean guy at shopping mall coz its Black Friday. I was able to buy a backpack and clothes at good price! We had dinner and talked about differences of our countries. My image of black Friday was totally different. Especially when I went to discounted supermarket, not so much discount at all and people are more relaxed. Maybe products there were already cheap enough and also I was too late coz I arrived around 10:30. Some shops were open at 5am. But at a bit fancy shop, there were more discount. so only expensive items were discounted. I'm so satisfied but recently im not home at all that I really have to do homework and laundry. 最近はいつもイタリア人女性の友達カロライナにPacific Beachまで会いに行っているのであまり家にいません。今日はブラックフライデーといって年で一番のセールの日なのでスイス人男性、韓国人男性の友達とショッピングモールに行きました。 さらに今日はスマホを買ってしまいまし
The sunsent at Pacific Beach.   Tacos at the restaurant called Big Fish. Fashion Velly shopping center The restaurant called Fish Shop. La jolla beach Pacific Beach Thanks Giving sand object Chiken Sandwich with sweet potato fries Person playing ukurere in the bus Thankg Giving Dinner The big dog at the hostfather's brother's house
Today I went to UCSD by bus by myself. Wow that's was a little complicated coz on Saturday the bus won't go inside campus. So I had to get off at UTC shipping center and then asked someone who I suddenly spot as student how to get UCSD. I found out that I had to take another bus and it costed me 9 dollars to go and back! Anyway, when I finally found my extension building, I was kind of disappointed coz the building just look like temporary shack. There's clear distinction between university student and extension student. But still it's better than just English school.  For lunch I had pita gyro Greek food. I love Greek food and I was so happy tone able to find everything! Some guy asked me the location of some building but do I look like locals? I was taking picture of myself and around me a lot, enjoying myself. 今日は大学にバスで一人で行ってみました。土曜日だから途中のショッピングモールまでしかいかなかったので他のバスにまた乗る羽目になりました。なので往復9ドルもかかりました。学生証ができたら乗り放題ななるのでもうちょっとです。ショッピングモールでも歩いていけないかさまよっていたし、大学でもけっこう迷いました。
Today I went to supermarket again. I was a bit depressed in the morning coz I felt alone at home. I wish school starts soon. But I think this is also good way to look outside for friends. Around noon I got myself outside, seeing host father brought a guest for lunch. While walking, I began to feel ok. I went to Vons, Kohl's and tried a pair of jeans for kids!!! I think adult woman size is too big for me especially around hip. But I just found out that the one I really like was running out of stock. Then, I went to Five Guys. I like that restaurant! I can have free toppings as I wish and the guy there was also kind to recommend me the nice combination with BBQ sauce. But what's more, I liked the way people in the kitchen shouting like Hell's Kitchen. So passionate!   Then my host father picked me up to bring me to the university. Actually, he called me when I finished placing an order so I made him waiting, but I was able to try using mobile! He was so kind to
 Today I went to shopping mall nearby house. 今日は家の近くのショッピングモールに行きました。 I got SIM card at T-mobile shop. The guy there was nice. Its interesting that they ask my name at purchase. I guess it has a good effect on nurturing relationship with customers. Then, I went Marshalls, recommended by Joe about reasonable clothing. San Diego get quite cold in the night, so I needed to buy some other heavy clothes. I found a cute gown at 20 bucks!     I also went Target to buy photo frame.In the end, I walked for about 4 hours searching for the best deals. I had nice tacos for lunch but it costed $11. It was a bit expensive. I was surprised that people in their cars let me cross the street first. They are quite sweet and also people sometimes greet me on the street. I got to be friendly, too.      SIMカードと$30日分のプリペイドカードをT-mobileで購入。お店の人がいい感じで(でもプレイボーイ風?)チャージするときはまた来ればやってあげるとこことです。一か月ごとの再開なんてうふふ。UCSDにいくならディスカウントもあるかもとのことだけど$50$が40になるなら$30のままでもいいわ。お店で支払をするときはなぜか名前を聞くことが多いけど親密感がでていい感じ

Arrival at San Diego

I arrived at San Diego. The flight I was going to take was late for 2 hours, so I was put to the one flight before. I had only 1 hour to connect at San Fransisco , but the line for immigration was so long that I was so nervous. The airport I arrived was so modern and beautiful. 無事にサンディエゴに着きました。町がきれいで驚き。とにかくアメリカの入国審査ってすっごい並ぶからサンフランシスコでのコネクティング1時間しかなかったから超焦った。 The weather was awesome. It's dry and feels good with high pressure.  高気圧の天気が気持ちいい。 人も綺麗でハツラツとした感じの人が多い感じ。 I went to Fashion Vally. That was awesome! 留学エージェントの人にFashion Valleyっていうショッピングモールに連れて行ってもらったんだけどすっごく素敵だった。改装直後みたい。     Yesterday I learnt so many things about house rules and the way to go bus stop for UCSD. 昨日はホームステイのルールを一通りやってバス停までの道のりも教えてもらってちょっと頭がいっぱいだわ。シャワー流している時間は5分以内や使わない電源は抜くなどけっこう厳しい感じだわ。でも水が貴重なんだからしょうがないわ。

Spots for good health

The spot good for cold The spot for antiaging  


Speaking I think A is the most ~ for some reasons. First~. Second ~. In addition to these reasons, ~. For these reasons, ~. The lecture explained why ~. There are the following three reasons. First of all, ~. ... This directly refutes the reading passage which states that ~. Secondly, ~. Again, this contradicts what is stated in the readin which stated that ~. Thirdly ~ All in al, ~ are the main reasons why ~ Essay 1st paragraph : Introduction I strongly agree with ~ 2nd paragraph : Body 1st reason The major reason for my belief is that ~ To make it clear, I would like to cite an experience that ~ Of course, ~ has an advantage in that it allows ~. However, I would not have been able to ~ if I had not ~. ~, as the above example illustates, is clearly ~ than ~ 3rd paragrapgh:Body 2nd reason Additionaly, ~ To take an example, I recall ~ing whereas Of course, ~ has the advantage in that it allows~. Nevertheless, I would not have been able to ~ , as the abov

note from today's English lesson

country side fishing rod in high school shop, proablem -> pronounce as "a" power-driven 行動力のある playwrites 劇作 downfall 凋落 general 大将 deceitful lovegoddess 色仕掛けでたぶらかす妖婦 sales was slow and intermitten 売れたり売れなかったり all eyes are on ~ the ride has now turned with ~ 流れが変わる Pack her lunch make her own lunch

Why I want to study at UCSD

1. Today's world is highly competitive with globalization and companies are looking for people who can implement international business knowledge with foward thinking. With UCSD program, I hope to get global commerce competitiveness that can give an advantage to get better job anywhere in the world. 2. I want to use the knowledge of marketing I've learned at college. I have a great interest in different cultures, so I hope to combine these to learn more about marketing in cultual diversity. 3. Curriculm last only 9 months and have internship. I will be able to experience working in diversity. 4. WIth international students, I want to discuss business ideas and broaden my perspective to better find business oppotuities.

international cash card

international cash card Shinsei Bank :VISA international rate + 4% ->better to use when less than $210 Citibank: 210yen + (VISA international rate +3%) -> better to use when more than $210 T/C: +2%

Kazuo Inamori

Kazuo Inamori is a founder of Kyocera and KDDI Corporation.   He recently rescured Japan Airlines from bankrupcy to listed company. His business managent style is largely formed by the book "The facts about life" he read when he got initial tuberculosis in his childhood.                   "If everyone has a good heart and mind, a positive attitude, then everyone should be able to live a wonderful life. That is what I strongly believe."   His management style spread his "Philosophy" create his identical selves who have same thought, criteria, values for business management, like the way Son Goku created his avators by blowing his nasal hair. Amoeba Management profit control by small group "Profit per hour = (sales - cost) ÷ working hours" Management by actual accounting numbers His 12 Articles clarify objective plan in detail have strong desire makes a lot

True identity of wealthy Japanese

 Contrary to european wealth people, who have long history of wealthy lifestyle, Japanese wealth people, who recently became rich, are not acustomed to spend a lot of money or enjoy leasiure. hard to take long vacation in Japan showing status symbol is not considered virture but only calling troubles work is what they care 50% of wealth Japanese are... company managers doctors landowners Those small manufactuers owners who established their business after WWII like to hide their wealth to protect their manufacturing secret and evade tax collectors. They also don't want to get attention of gangsters and malicious saleperson. Many of them actually live a simple life with normal house, simple clothes and cheap fastfood lunch.   Some of them became rich only recently and don't know how to spend money.   Some of them are too busy to enjoy leisure and their only interst is job. 3 points that can induce their spending 1. Education Bunbu school t

Happy capitalisim - CSV (Creating Shared Value)

To tackle against food shortage problem in the future (UN estimates population will increases to 9 billion by 2050), it launched "Farmer Connect" project to ensure secure supply of good quality materials by providing technical know-how including lean management to boost productivity and measures against crop diseases. Since farmers in Madagascar i n Africa can not read well, booklets with a lot of illustration are provided. For farmers Indonesian, which has a high education level, thick books that describe measures for each disease in detail. "Developing country unit" reduce the price of medicines to 25% of those sold in UK use 20% of profits to aid constructing healthcare infrastructure =good investment in the long run use $6 million to train health care workers provide mobile phone service to check if drugs are counterfeit or not cooperate with vodafone to send message to urge mother to get vaccination to their kids provide digital connectivity