

Process approach (developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system)

Process-based quality management system

Goal : enhance customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements

An activity or set of activities using resources, and managed in order to enable the transformation of inputs into outputs, can be considered as a process.

An organization need to determine and manage numerous inked activities to function effectively.

1.      Determine the processes
2.      Determine the sequence and interaction of these processes
3.      Determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective
4.      Ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes
5.      Monitor, measure where applicable, and analyze these processes
6.      Implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes

Methodology known as PDCA

Monitoring customer satisfaction →goal setting→identify processes→system improvement→customer satisfaction

1.      Requirements met
2.      Re-consider process in terms of added value
3.      Monitor performance
4.      Continual improvement

Statutory & regulatory requirements 法令要求
~have been taken into consideration during the development of ~
Ever-changing environment 刻々と変化する環境
User community 利用者の利便
horizontal penetration of lessons learned 水平展開
creative ideas and devices 創意工夫
mutual development 相互啓発
improvement of company constitution 体質改善


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