business mail expression

I’m sorry to be pressing, but …

Any update on this?
Any update on this issue?

I have not yet received any information from you.
I have not heard from you yet.

It’s been more than two weeks since I requested it.
I already said last time, I need to have it promptly.
As I requested about two weeks ago, I need it promptly.
At this rate, we will not make the deadline.
At this rate, we will be unable to keep July 15th deadline.
I already requested this once.
Hasn’t the investigation I askd you for been completed yet?
How is your investigation coming? I have been waiting to hear from you.
I already asked you twice last month to let me know the result of the investigation.
Following up my request of about a month ago, I must repeat once again my question. Hasn’t the investigation been completed ?

Regarding the xxxx which I requested on July 15th, when do you think I can get it? I need it by end of the week.
The OS installation must be completed by the end of week. Otherwise …
Would you tell me the days available for the hand over by tomorrow? I have to know it promptly.
Could you please send me the details right away? I must pass them to our customer promptly.
Since I have to compete the procedure by the next week, please send me the details by tomorrow.
If July 15th is really not possible, when can I expect it? I have to compete the procedure by the next week.
I need this urgently so could you send it me by tomorrow?
I urgently request that you send the xxx by tomorrow.
I must hear from you by tomorrow at the latest.
I would like to receive your reply by July 15th.


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