Tokyo Disney Sea

I went to Tokyo Disney Sea on the last day of 3-day holidays.

Since It was expected to get really crowded, we woke up at 4 and arrived around 6:30, 1.5 hours in advance.

This time, we split up to get as many attraction as possible.

First, my bf ran to take Fast Pass of Toy Story Mania. Meanwhile, I headed for Indy Jones Adventure.

He was able to get Fast Pass at 8:04 but there were super long line by that time.

Although He was against to make detailed plan, he finally appreciated my research work.

After Indy Jones, we went to Raising Sprint 360 degree roller coaster.

I was very scared because last time I was not able to walk well after riding this.

But this time, I tried to tighten my safety belt hard and kept my head up (last time, I was worried about my open bag and my head was down!) so it was not so scary and I enjoyed it.

For the snack, we had a burger at Cape Cod Cook Off. The show called My Friend Duffy was so-so despite the favorable comments I read. 

I don't know why many people fall in love with it.

New attraction Toy Story Mania was fun despite my expectation as childish because the ride moves quickly. My bf got highest score in one hour. I scored half of his.

This time, I had to refuse Center of the Earth and Tower of Terror. I can't tolerate strange  feeling at my stomach when falling. Also, Tower of Terror scares me a lot! 

We took several refreshments instead of going to restaurant for lunch to get more rides.

 Gyoza Dog halloween version!

 Pork Rice

The night view of Mediterranean Harbor was awesome. 

A plane invented by Leonard da Vinci. It was so hard to move wings.

We took dinner at Arabian Coast.

It was so great day and I feel so sad to return to normal life.


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