Today's English learning

Singaporeans ranked first as an emotionless country! 
They are too busy and socially suppressed that they learnt coping with such stresses by having no emotions. Although by figure the country is doing well economically, it was at the sacrifice of people's happiness.

dour-- /dahr/ severe

win kudos = get or receive compliments or positive feedback

Tiger Mom
Tiger Dad
= parents who strictly force their children to study or to develop their talents even at a young age

free-wheeling = more expressive

loosen up = relax

Japanese English
  • complainant =クレーマー (A person making a claim, esp. in a lawsuit or for a government-sponsored benefit.)
  • mug =マグカップ
  • roller coaster = ジェットコースター
  • made-to-order オーダーメイド 
  • オフィスレディー female office workers
  • ガードマン  security guard
  • フリーサイズ one-size-fits-all

Boutique Owners Use Truck as Mobile Store

 saving the cost for utilities, not require many employees

It costs an arm and leg = it's very expensive
pre-loved items = secondhand items
ROI = return on investment
good business acumen = quick in decision-making

NHK Radio
our neck of the wood この地域
you come off like the weather man のように振る舞う
turn over a new leaf 新しいスタート
What's up? Functioning. Harried. (困り果ててます。)Same as always. Getting by. Keeping cool. No complaints.
ask for a brief recap かいつまんだ説明を要求する


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