My Trip to North Italy, 4th day (Dec. 31)

It was new year's eve. Every place can be closed, so we had a lovely walk in his hometown Pordenone.  It was a peaceful lovery town.

Beautiful river

 Bell tower

 Church (center of the city)

Place where lovers will secretly gather

 "Without you, there is no love."

 Graduation memory poster made by their friends

 Lunch, Rigatoni !!

Collection of his father, date back to the Stone Age


And then, we went to a small lovey town called Sachile.
It is known as the "Garden of the Serenissima" after the many palaces that were constructed along the river Livenza.

During the First and Second World Wars the town was repeatedly bombarded on account of the strategic importance of the Venezia–Udine railway.
Then we went to supermarket to buy ingredients for my Japanese food cooking!
Potato salad and fried chicken


I had a terrible nightmare with this Okonomiyaki. Since I mistakenly put too much water, it took so much time to get cooked inside. Also it was because I wanted to cook one big sheet at once so that the food doesn't get cold. 

And the outcome appearance was such a disaster because when I flipped, it collapsed!!! 

But fortunately they liked the taste and had fun with dried bonito flakes.


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