
Toast Masters

so happy😊 i can't believe that I won best speaker for the first time "ice breaker" but it seems somehow I grew up in USA and so on. I only spent few days to create and just practiced a bit more before not to miss some important key points. It was not difficult to connect everything together and the book "courage to be disliked" already had good message. I don't know if I can continue TM coz I gonna start MBA and I need time to relax, too. so sad that it seems I could make more friends...😕 guess I'll need to try sometime later again to focus on MBA now. somebody said I should write a story of myself! I felt so warm when I read comments from members.


MBAに向けての勉強! マイクロソフト diversity雇用 イノベーターのDNA associating(一見関係のなさそうな経験が役に立つ) questioning(当たり前を疑う、devil's adovocate) observing(正解を違う角度から見る) experimenting(見知らぬ環境に身を置く。CEOが一度でも海外勤務⇒平均株価が7%高い) networking(異国、異分野、ひらめき、会話) メディチインパクト 幅広い人材の集約。創造の爆発 Think different他人と違うように行動 命令するのではなく質問で導く

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Swiss, my last stop

Finally this trip has come to end. I can't believe one month has passed since then. This trip was amazing especially Berlin. It was so eccentric meeting all different people at hostel from comedian from London and Argentina, Irish guy in show business, Russian student who is very nice having breakfast together talking about Japan, German and Russia, french guy with  Dreadlocks  who in cinema earning some extra money by cutting marijuana somewhere near SF, Denmark guy who are really into social economy and philosophy hating capitalism or materialism, and Korean student who study music in Colongue speaking German better than English. Hostel life in Berlin was hard starting from climbing up the second bed, worrying about my personal stuff. Only after I arrived in Switzerland with friend taking care of me and my own personal room, I realized I was tired and needed a lot of sleep. But it was so fun. I really like the heavy old buildings, people in Doner shops were always nice, so many


ついに私の滞在可能な期間がカウントダウンできる数字となってしまった。 11月の末に帰国しなければいけないからちょうどサンクスギビングの時だ。ちょうどインターナショナルStudentはやることがなく困る日だ。この日の当たりに帰るのは嫌だがしょうがない。


イエローストーンはよかったですがアメリカ人友人のクリスティー ナが以外と子供っぽくてイエローストーンで見るべきものがいっぱ いあるのに自分が一回行ったことがあるからかすべての事に時間を かけすぎたりハイキングばっかりしたがりちょっとイライラしまし た。それで2日目は別行動でした。 今の韓国人のルームメイトは共通点が多くいい感じです

Major Lazer
