
Showing posts from July, 2014

Italian film Pane e Tulipani

Today I took Italian lesson I found in Meetup.  I was late because I wrongly remembered the time and also it was so far away up north.  But the lesson was awesome. I like the teacher. She is so energetic, spontaneous and very good at  teaching. I also made friend and had lunch with.  For the evening, I went downtown to see Italian movie called Pane e Tulipani (bread and tulip) at Little italy with one of classmate. Before movie we had a bite to eat at bar called Davanti. It was nice place.  The teacher gave me Italian name Sophia. The movie was nice and funny. I wish I could understand Italian more. The protagonist was using very poetic lines but I didn't understand fully even with subtitle coz I don't know some words even in English. Director:   Silvio Soldini Stars:   Licia Maglietta ,  Bruno Ganz Giuseppe Battiston from Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia

movie actors

I wanna remember actor and actress names because I always can't remember and can't discuss with others. クリス・ヘムズワース  ( Chris Hemsworth)  Star Trek,  The Avengers 22 Jump Street (2014) Channing Tatum ( チャニング・マシュー・テイタム) Step Up,  The Vow Jonah Hill ( ジョナ・ヒル) ミラ・ジョヴォヴィッチ ( Milla Jovovich) Joan of Arc ジャンヌ・ダルク ,  Resident Evil,  ユマ・サーマン( Uma Thurman) Pulp Fiction, G attaca,  Mickey Rourke ( ミッキー・ローク) I ron Man 2, 

Imperial beach house

This independence weekend I went to camel valley and friend's house at imperial beach. Camel valley was the beach I had terrible memory with a crazy vietnamese guy. And guess what happened. A bad thing happened again. We lost car key. It was stressful afternoon searching frantically in the hot weather.   We didn't find it but we manged to go home with the help of other cowoker. Later I went to Pacific Beach but there strangely car battery problem occurred. While friend hurried to get battery, one guy saw us driving crazy and followed us, he took number and called police. He had only one leg and had eye patch on his left eye. That was scary. It was due to car accident, he was  so determined to stop crazy driving. On Saturday I visited friend's house at Imperial beach. The view was awesome just in front of the beach. It was a very cultural experience day with Arabian food and music, staying with them while they are Ramadan. Again, he lost

Euro Disney case study

New semester has started! It's gonna be very busy day with sewing class, part-time and evening class but I wanna focus on study more this semester! I've got a new case study about Euro Disney for Global Marketing class. What factors contributed to EuroDisney’s poor performance during its first year of operation? What factors contributed to Hong Kong Disney’s poor performance during its first year? EuroDisney the approaching European recession at the end of the 1980s World’s Fair in Seville and the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona local theme park nearby (Astérix) weather (cold, rain) hostility among local french against american icon  (imperialism) Gulf War in 1991 which curbed vacation travel high interest rates and the devaluation of several currencies against the franc. transatlantic airfare competition made it cheaper to go Disney in Orlando than Paris currency movement affected negatively hostility against american imperialism 9/11 slump in truism strikes in France pan-Eur

Hearst castle

I took a small trip  to Hearst castle in San Simeon. It was first time to drive for such a long hours but now I can drive through LA! The castle was nice but after seeing so many magnificent buildings in Italy, I missed  magnificent  buildings in Italy. It  mustn't  been a lot of work to bring all the tools up the the hill by horses back at the time. I love European villa which has a library and all the decorations all over. It made me miss Italy a lot. I can't wait to go back. There were many nice beaches along highway 101. It's good for couples.  I missed my bf. Fantastic dining room, but ketchup and mustard?? Roman pool theater pool elephant seals Big Sur Santa Barbara country courthouse this place was used in badman movie